
The HYP Fest virtual village is behind the curtains below!

FilmocracyFest 2021

Our virtual events are best experienced from a desktop or notebook computer. Some smartphones and tablets may experience limited functionality in virtual conferencing and interactive map.

Thank you to our sponsors and partners

To start: Just enter your name and click 'Join Now'. You are not required to enable your camera.

If you have questions, please use the chat widget at the bottom right of the page.

Welcome to the 2021 HYP Fest! 

Hyphenova (HYP) is the first major social-good omni-channel network, committed to changing the face of media by amplifying global voices and increasing creator ownership. By uniting creators and cultivating partnerships with brands and distributors, creators are able to deepen their creative genius while expanding their impact and opportunities.

HYP is a tribute and celebration of our multi-hyphenate, funny, complex, and authentic lives.

Our mission is to connect, uplift, and amplify global voices around the world.

Our values are:

  • We operate with inclusivity.
  • We value and edify each of our unique backgrounds and experiences.
  • We believe that we all have stories to tell, knowledge to both give and receive, and talents to be cultivated and honored.

HYP Fest on Filmocracy’s virtual platform is dedicated to providing a fun, safe, and harassment-free event for everyone. All attendees, speakers, sponsors, vendors and Festival staff (“participants”) are required to comply with the Filmocracy code of conduct.

By attending the virtual platform, you are agreeing to abide this code of conduct. Anyone found to be violating this code of conduct may be expelled at the discretion of organizers.

HYP Fest has a zero-tolerance policy and will not tolerate any harassing or abusive behavior towards any participants. We ask all participants to behave and create a safe and supportive environment of inclusiveness.

Harassing or abusive behavior may occur in various platforms such as, via email, forums, chats, video conferencing or social media and includes, but is not limited to:

  • Deliberate intimidation

  • Stalking

  • Inappropriate photography or recording (sexual or violent in nature)

  • Sustained disruption of talks, presentations or other events and activities

  • Unwelcomed sexual attention

Comments or actions based on personal characteristics such as gender, gender identity, and expression; age; sexual orientation; disability; physical appearance; race; religion; political affiliation
Please report any harassing or abusive behavior incident to events@filmocracy.com.