
The Ultimate Movie Riddle Game 2020

Trivia Question #1: What famous filmmaker helped shoot parts of Pulp Fiction?

Trivia Question #2: Who was the first person to voice E.T. in Steven Spielberg's E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial?

Trivia Question #3: The songwriter in Rear Window was a famous songwriter in real life. What was he famous for creating?

Trivia Question #4: The title of Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind originated from what poem?

Welcome to The Ultimate Movie Riddle Game! Each day of the festival, one trivia question will be posted here by finding the treasure chest each day.

Submit your name and email with the answer to the day’s riddle. If you get the question of the day correct, an email will be sent to you by the end of the day with a code. If you answer each day’s questions correctly (all four questions), by the fourth day you should have four codes in your inbox. On this last day of the festival, you must use these four codes to break open the final answer to receive a prize. You will have until 3PM PST on the fourth day to email us back your final answer to be a contender for the final prize. 

Please note:

  • Questions and codes may not be related
  • You need to answer all four questions correctly to receive all four codes
  • Each question is only up on the Riddle Page from 8am-8pm PST
  • The final and fourth question will only be posted for four hours (8am-12pm, then we send codes 12pm-1pm)
  • On the fourth day, you will have 2 hours to break the code (3pm answer due, 3-4PM select winners for awards)
The Ultimate Movie Riddle Game Submission Form

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